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Kris Welkenhuysen
- Disciplines:Geologie
- Geologie (Afdeling)
Vanaf1 aug 2020 → 10 jan 2018 - Afdeling Geologie (Afdeling)
Vanaf1 nov 2006 → 10 jan 2018
1 - 1 of 1
- Integratie van geowetenschappelijke data en onzekerheden in techno-economische voorspellingen voor CO2-afvang en -opslagVanaf1 feb 2011 → 6 nov 2017Financiering: Eigen Middelen zoals patrimonium, inschrijvingsgelden, giften, ....
1 - 9 van 9
- Economic threshold of CO2-EOR and CO2 storage in the North Sea: A case study of the Claymore, Scott and Buzzard oil fields(2018)
Auteurs: Kris Welkenhuysen, Rudy Swennen
Pagina's: 271 - 285 - A profitability study of CO2-EOR and subsequent CO2 storage in the North Sea under low oil market prices(2017)
Auteurs: Kris Welkenhuysen
Pagina's: 7060 - 7069 - Off-shore enhanced oil recovery in the North Sea: The impact of price uncertainty on the investment decisions(2016)
Auteurs: Kris Welkenhuysen
Pagina's: 123 - 137 - Considering economic and geological uncertainty in the simulation of realistic investment decisions for CO2-EOR projects in the North Sea(2016)
Auteurs: Kris Welkenhuysen, Rudy Swennen
Pagina's: 745 - 761 - A techno-economic approach for capacity assessment and ranking of potential options for geological storage of CO2 in Austria(2016)
Auteurs: Kris Welkenhuysen, Rudy Swennen
Pagina's: 237 - 249 - Niphargus: A silicon band-gap sensor temperature logger for high-precision environmental monitoring(2015)
Auteurs: Kris Welkenhuysen
Pagina's: 50 - 59 - Geological uncertainty and investment risk in CO2-enhanced oil recovery(2014)
Auteurs: Kris Welkenhuysen, Rudy Swennen
Pagina's: 7878 - 7883 - Strategy for ranking potential CO2 storage reservoirs: A case study for Belgium(2012)
Auteurs: Kris Welkenhuysen, Rudy Swennen
Pagina's: 431 - 449 - CO2 storage opportunities in Belgium(2011)
Auteurs: Kris Welkenhuysen
Pagina's: 4913 - 4920