Koen Pardon
- Disciplines:Palliatieve zorg en zorg rond het levenseinde, Laboratoriumgeneeskunde, Andere translationele wetenschappen, Regeneratieve geneeskunde, Verpleegkunde, Andere klinische wetenschappen, Andere basiswetenschappen, Andere paramedische wetenschappen, Andere gezondheidswetenschappen, Andere medische en gezondheidswetenschappen
- Vakgroep Inwendige ziekten en Pediatrie (Departement)
Vanaf11 mrt 2019 → 11 mrt 2023 - Vakgroep Inwendige ziekten (Departement)
Vanaf1 mrt 2015 → 30 sep 2018 - Vakgroep Wijsbegeerte en Moraalwetenschap (Departement)
Vanaf6 jun 2012 → 30 sep 2015
1 - 10 van 79
- Experiences with implementing advance care planning (ACP-GP) in Belgian general practice in the context of a cluster RCT : a process evaluation using the RE-AIM framework(2024)
Auteurs: Julie Stevens, Anne-Lore Scherrens, Peter Pype, Luc Deliens, Aline De Vleminck, Koen Pardon
- Perspectives on the eligibility criteria for euthanasia for mental suffering caused by psychiatric disorder under the Belgian Euthanasia Law : a qualitative interview study among mental healthcare workers(2024)
Auteurs: Monica Verhofstadt, Kristof Van Assche, Koen Pardon, M. Gleydura, K. Titeca, Kenneth Chambaere
- Ethical perspectives regarding Euthanasia, including in the context of adult psychiatry : a qualitative interview study among healthcare workers in Belgium(2024)
Auteurs: Monica Verhofstadt, Loïc Moureau, Koen Pardon, Axel Liégeois
- Complex advance care planning intervention in general practice (ACP-GP) : a cluster-randomised controlled trial(2024)
Auteurs: Julie Stevens, Rose Miranda, Peter Pype, Kim Eecloo, Luc Deliens, Aline De Vleminck, Koen Pardon
Pagina's: e78 - e87 - Advance care planning engagement in patients with chronic, life-limiting illness : baseline findings from a cluster-randomised controlled trial in primary care(2023)
Auteurs: Julie Stevens, Rose Miranda, Luc Deliens, Peter Pype, Aline De Vleminck, Koen Pardon
Pagina's: e384 - e391 - Emotional cues and concerns of patients with a life limiting, chronic illness during advance care planning conversations in general practice(2023)
Auteurs: Aline De Vleminck, Lara Craenen, Julie Stevens, Valentine Lemaigre, Peter Pype, Luc Deliens, Koen Pardon
- Concrete experiences and support needs regarding the euthanasia practice in adults with psychiatric conditions : a qualitative interview study among healthcare professionals and volunteers in Belgium(2022)
Auteurs: Monica Verhofstadt, Kurt Audenaert, Freddy Mortier, Luc Deliens, Axel Liégeois, Koen Pardon, Kenneth Chambaere
- Phase 0-1 early palliative home care cancer treatment intervention study(2022)
Auteurs: Naomi Dhollander, Tinne Smets, Aline De Vleminck, Simon Van Belle, Luc Deliens, Koen Pardon
Pagina's: E103 - E111 - Advance care planning, general practitioners and patients : a phase II cluster-randomised controlled trial in chronic life-limiting illness(2022)
Auteurs: Sigrid Dierickx, Koen Pardon, Peter Pype, Julie Stevens, Robert Vander Stichele, Luc Deliens, Aline De Vleminck
Pagina's: E460 - E463 - The impact of the euthanasia assessment procedure : a qualitative interview study among adults with psychiatric conditions(2022)
Auteurs: Monica Verhofstadt, Kenneth Chambaere, Koen Pardon, Freddy Mortier, Axel Liegeois, Luc Deliens, Kurt Audenaert