Kathleen Deiteren
- Trefwoorden:Farmacie
- Disciplines:Ontdekking en evaluatie van biomarkers, Ontdekking en evaluatie van geneesmiddelen, Medicinale chemie, Medicinale producten, Farmaceutische analyse en kwaliteitszorg, Farmaceutica, Farmacognosie en fytochemie, Farmacologie, Farmacotherapie, Toxicologie en toxinologie, Andere farmaceutische wetenschappen, Andere medische en gezondheidswetenschappen
- Medische biochemie (Onderzoeksgroep)
Vanaf1 jul 2023 → Heden - Medische biochemie (Onderzoeksgroep)
Vanaf1 okt 2003 → 30 sep 2008
1 - 10 van 11
- Absence of BCL-2 expression identifies a subgroup of AML with distinct phenotypic, molecular, and clinical characteristics(2020)
Auteurs: Inke De haes, Marie Le Mercier, Pauline Puylaert, Katrien Vermeulen, Mark Kockx, Kathleen Deiteren, Marie-Berthe Maes, Zwi Berneman, Sébastien Anguille
- A novel haemocytometric COVID-19 prognostic score developed and validated in an observational multicentre European hospital-based study(2020)
Auteurs: Joachim Linssen, Anthony Ermens, Marvin Berrevoets, Michela Seghezzi, Giulia Previtali, Simone van der Sar-van der Brugge, Henk Russcher, Annelies Verbon, Judith Gillis, Juergen Riedl, et al.
- Dendritic cell vaccination as postremission treatment to prevent or delay relapse in acute myeloid leukemia(2017)
Auteurs: Sébastien Anguille, Ann Van de Velde, Evelien Smits, Vigor Van Tendeloo, Gunnar Juliusson, Nathalie Cools, Barbara Stein, Eva Lion, Ann van Driessche, Irma Vandenbosch, et al.
Pagina's: 1713 - 1721 - Detection of a case of chronic myeloid leukaemia with deletions at the t(9;22) translocation breakpoints by a genome-wide non-invasive prenatal test(2016)
Auteurs: Katrien Janssens, Kathleen Deiteren, Anke Verlinden, Liesbeth Rooms, Sigri Beckers, Philip Holmgren, Katrien Vermeulen, Marie-Berthe Maes, Geert Mortier, Bettina Blaumeiser
Pagina's: 760 - 765 - Novel LC-MS/MS method for plasma vancomycin: comparison with immunoassays and clinical impact(2015)
Auteurs: Matthijs Oyaert, Nele Peersman, Davy Kieffer, Kathleen Deiteren, Anne Smits, Karel Allegaert, Isabel Spriet, Johan Van Eldere, Jan Verhaegen, Pieter Vermeersch, et al.
Pagina's: 63 - 70 - Validation of the Sysmex CS5100 coagulation analyzer and comparison to the Stago STA-R analyzer for routine coagulation parameters(2015)
Auteurs: Tinne Geens, F. Vertessen, R. Malfait, Kathleen Deiteren, M. B. Maes
Pagina's: 372 - 381 - Carboxypeptidase M in apoptosis, adipogenesis and cancer(2013)
Auteurs: Catherine Denis, Kathleen Deiteren, Paul Proost
Pagina's: 306 - 316 - C-terminal clipping of chemokine CCL1/I-309 enhances CCR8-mediated intracellular calcium release and anti-apoptotic activity(2012)
Auteurs: Catherine Denis, Kathleen Deiteren, Anneleen Mortier, Amel Tounsi, Erik Fransen, Paul Proost, Jean-Christophe Renauld
Pagina's: e34199,1 - e34199,9 - Carboxypeptidase M: multiple alliances and unknown partners(2009)
Auteurs: Kathleen Deiteren, Simon Scharpe
Pagina's: 24 - 39 - Carboxypeptidase M expressed by human bone marrow cells cleaves the C-terminal lysine of stromal cell-derived factor-1 α: another player in hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell mobilization?(2008)
Auteurs: Leah Marquez-Curtis, Ali Jalili, Kathleen Deiteren, Neeta Shirvaikar, Anna Janowska-Wieczorek
Pagina's: 1211 - 1220