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Hella Thielen
- Disciplines:Biologische en fysiologische psychologie, Algemene psychologie, Andere psychologie en cognitieve wetenschappen
- Brein en Cognitie (OE) (Onderzoekseenheid)
Vanaf1 okt 2018 → 31 okt 2023 - Laboratorium voor Experimentele Psychologie (Onderzoeksgroep)
Vanaf15 okt 2017 → 30 sep 2018
1 - 1 of 1
- Prikkelbaarheid na verworven hersenschade: het bevorderen van de diagnose en het identificeren van biomarkersVanaf1 okt 2018 → 1 dec 2023Financiering: FWO mandaten
1 - 10 van 14
- Objectifying subjective memory complaints: VR-based Verbal Word Learning Test in chronic stroke patients(2024)
Auteurs: Hella Thielen, Céline Gillebert
- Why am I overwhelmed by bright lights? The behavioural mechanisms of post-stroke visual hypersensitivity(2024)
Auteurs: Hella Thielen, Robin Lemmens, Céline Gillebert
- The Multi-Modal Evaluation of Sensory Sensitivity (MESSY): assessing a commonly missed symptom of acquired brain injury(2024)
Auteurs: Hella Thielen, Nora Tuts, Céline Gillebert
Pagina's: 377 - 411 - Sensory sensitivity after acquired brain injury: advancing assessment and unravelling underlying mechanisms(2023)
Auteurs: Hella Thielen, Céline Gillebert, Christophe Lafosse
- Qualitative data on triggers and coping of sensory hypersensitivity in acquired brain injury patients: A proposed model(2023)
Auteurs: Hella Thielen
- The Neuroanatomy of Poststroke Subjective Sensory Hypersensitivity(2023)
Auteurs: Hella Thielen, Nora Tuts, Céline Gillebert
Pagina's: 68 - 84 - The sustained attention to response task: Validation of a non-numerical parallel form(2023)
Auteurs: Nora Tuts, Hella Thielen, Céline Gillebert
- Sensory sensitivity after acquired brain injury: A systematic review(2023)
Auteurs: Hella Thielen, Nora Tuts, Céline Gillebert
Pagina's: 1 - 31 - The Dutch Oxford Cognitive Screen (OCS-NL): Psychometric properties in Flemish stroke survivors(2022)
Auteurs: Hanne Huygelier, Christophe Lafosse, Hella Thielen, Robin Lemmens, Céline Gillebert
Pagina's: 1 - 10 - Digitale neuropsychologische diagnostiek: vloek of zegen?(2022)
Auteurs: Céline Gillebert, Hella Thielen
Pagina's: 126 - 134