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Haftom Ngussie
- Disciplines:Biofysica, Moleculaire en celbiologie, Medische biochemie en metabolisme, Laboratoriumgeneeskunde, Microbiologie, Systeembiologie, Plantenbiologie, Biochemie en metabolisme, Medicinale en biomoleculaire chemie
- Vakgroep Biochemie en Microbiologie (Departement)
Vanaf1 nov 2016 → 22 sep 2024
1 - 2 of 2
- Voorkomen van protectieve allelen in de honingbijen van Ethiopië (Apis mellifera simensis)Vanaf1 okt 2023 → 31 aug 2024Financiering: BOF - doctorale mandaten
- Mechanismen die honingbijen in Afrika (Etiopië) in staat stellen om te gaan met ziektekiemen en plaagsoortenVanaf1 okt 2016 → 30 sep 2022Financiering: BOF - Nieuwe Onderzoeksinitiatieven
1 - 10 van 13
- Expression of molecular markers of resilience against Varroa destructor and bee viruses in Ethiopian honey bees (Apis mellifera simensis) focussing on olfactory sensing and the RNA interference machinery(2023)
Auteurs: Haftom Ngussie, David Claeys Boúúaert, Michel Asperges, Bezabeh Amssalu, Lina De Smet, Dirk de Graaf
- Factors restraining the population growth of Varroa destructor in Ethiopian honey bees (Apis mellifera simensis)(2019)
Auteurs: Haftom Ngussie, Bezabeh Amssalu, Lina De Smet, Dirk de Graaf
- Distribution and abundance of Hypoestes forskaolii (Vahl) in the exclosures of Tigray, northern Ethiopia(2017)
Auteurs: Haftom Ngussie, Girmay Darcha, Kinfe Mezgebe
- Effect of stem cutting diameter on flower biomass of Becium grandiflorum for bee forage development(2016)
Auteurs: Haftom Ngussie
- Diversity of Guizotia abyssinica pollinators and their effect on seed quality in Mekelle, Northern Ethiopia(2014)
Auteurs: Haftom Ngussie, Alemayehu Tadesse
- Relating climatic factors to foraging behavior of honeybees (Apis mellifera) during blooming period of Guizotia abyssinica (L.F.)(2014)
Auteurs: Haftom Ngussie, Alemayehu Tadesse, Tesfay Belay
- Flight intensity of honeybees (Apis mellifera) and its relationship with temperature, sunshine hours, cloudiness and relative humidity(2014)
Auteurs: Haftom Ngussie, Alemayehu Tadesse, Tesfay Belay
- On farm evaluation of Kenyan Top bar hive (KTBH) for honey production in Tigray Region, Northern Ethiopia(2013)
Auteurs: Haftom Ngussie, Awet Estifanos
- Identification and evaluation of propagation techniques of a native bee forage, ‘tebeb’ (Becium grandflorum)(2013)
Auteurs: Haftom Ngussie, Kebebew Wakijira
- Seasonal honeybee forage availability, swarming, absconding and honey harvesting in Debrekidan and Begasheka Watersheds of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia(2013)
Auteurs: Haftom Ngussie, Zelealem Tesfay, Girmay Murutse, Awet Estifanos