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Frederic Jan Mednick

  • Onderzoeksexpertise:
    • Leadership of non-profits and global networks in education and international development

    • Comprehensive educational reform through community building, partnerships, and teacher development

    • Scale and customization of educational leadership programs for schools, Ministries of Education, NGOs, and global agencies, including – but not limited to – strategic planning and implementation; mobilization of staff to achieve lasting and sustainable impacts

    • Effective and efficient technology solutions for teacher development, curriculum, and knowledge management for all stages of the education lifecycle

    • Consulting for corporations, non-profit organizations, foundations, and global agencies:  assessment of progress throughout the K-higher education cycle; education leadership in policy development and implementation; systems

    • Design and supervision of large-scale education initiatives, including global support networks, educational sustainability, institutional strengthening, and teacher communities of practice

    • Education delivery and teacher leadership for disaster risk reduction through prevention and planning, intervention, and educational reconstruction

  • Trefwoorden:Pedagogische wetenschappen en didactiek
  • Disciplines:Landbouwwetenschappen, diergeneeskunde en levensmiddelenwetenschappen, Sociale wetenschappen, Natuurwetenschappen, Ingenieurswetenschappen en technologie, Medische en gezondheidswetenschappen
  • Gebruikers van onderzoeksexpertise:
    • Leadership of non-profits and global networks in education and international development

    • Comprehensive educational reform through community building, partnerships, and teacher development

    • Scale and customization of educational leadership programs for schools, Ministries of Education, NGOs, and global agencies, including – but not limited to – strategic planning and implementation; mobilization of staff to achieve lasting and sustainable impacts

    • Effective and efficient technology solutions for teacher development, curriculum, and knowledge management for all stages of the education lifecycle

    • Consulting for corporations, non-profit organizations, foundations, and global agencies:  assessment of progress throughout the K-higher education cycle; education leadership in policy development and implementation; systems

    • Design and supervision of large-scale education initiatives, including global support networks, educational sustainability, institutional strengthening, and teacher communities of practice

    • Education delivery and teacher leadership for disaster risk reduction through prevention and planning, intervention, and educational reconstruction