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Elise Cornelis
- Onderzoeksexpertise:
As an occupational therapist and gerontologist I have expertise in assessment of everyday functioning in older persons with neurocognitive disorders. My research is focussing on methods to evaluate activities of daily living (ADLs). Besides, I'm involved in research concerning Active Ageing and meaningful activities for nursing home residents.
- Trefwoorden:Geneeskunde, Sociale gezondheidswetenschappen
- Disciplines:Geriatrie
- Gebruikers van onderzoeksexpertise:
As an occupational therapist and gerontologist I have expertise in assessment of everyday functioning in older persons with neurocognitive disorders. My research is focussing on methods to evaluate activities of daily living (ADLs). Besides, I'm involved in research concerning Active Ageing and meaningful activities for nursing home residents.