Deyan Radulov
- Disciplines:Klassieke fysica, Elementaire deeltjesfysica en hoge-energie fysica, Andere fysica, Toegepaste wiskunde, Kwantumfysica, Nucleaire fysica, Fysica van gecondenseerde materie en nanofysica, Onderwijskunde
- Kern- en Stralingsfysica (IKS) (Afdeling)
Vanaf15 jun 2009 → 14 sep 2013
1 - 10 van 28
- α-decay properties of 200,202Fr(2019)
Auteurs: Lars Ghys, Mark Huyse, Piet Van Duppen, Thomas Elias Cocolios, Hilde De Witte, Deyan Radulov
Pagina's: 054310 - 054310 - Inverse odd-even staggering in nuclear charge radii and possible octupole collectivity in 217,218,219At revealed by in-source laser spectroscopy(2019)
Auteurs: Boris Andel, Dinko Atanasov, Thomas Elias Cocolios, Hilde De Witte, Liam Gaffney, Lars Ghys, Mark Huyse, Vladimir Manea, Dieter Pauwels, Deyan Radulov, et al.
- Properties of low-lying states in 65Co from lifetime measurements(2019)
Auteurs: Dieter Pauwels, Deyan Radulov
Pagina's: 024321 - 024321 - β- decay study of the Mn 66 - Fe 66 - Co 66 - Ni 66 decay chain(2018)
Auteurs: Marek Stryjczyk, Iain Darby, Hilde De Witte, Jan Diriken, Mark Huyse, Taka Otsuka, Dieter Pauwels, Deyan Radulov, Maxim Seliverstov, Piet Van Duppen, et al.
Pagina's: 064326 - 064326 - Charge radii and electromagnetic moments of $^{195--211}\mathrm{At}$(2018)
Auteurs: Maxim Seliverstov, Boris Andel, Dinko Atanasov, Thomas Elias Cocolios, Hilde De Witte, Liam Gaffney, Lars Ghys, Mark Huyse, Vladimir Manea, Dieter Pauwels, et al.
- Beta decay of 66Mn to the N=40 nucleus 66Fe(2017)
Auteurs: Dieter Pauwels, Deyan Radulov
- Beta decay of 66Mn to the N=40 nucleus 66Fe(2017)
Auteurs: Bruno Olaizola, Luis Mario Fraile, Henryk Mach, Alfredo Poves, Ani Aprahamian, Jose Antonio Briz, Jacbo Cal-González, Dan Gabriel Ghiţa, Ulli Köster, Wiktor Kurcewicz, et al.
- Search for shape-coexisting 0+ states in 66Ni from lifetime measurements(2017)
Auteurs: Dieter Pauwels, Deyan Radulov
- Shape coexistence studied in 182,184Hg via the β decay of 182,184Tl(2017)
Auteurs: Elisa Rapisarda, Thomas Elias Cocolios, Iain Darby, Ruben de Groote, Hilde De Witte, Jan Diriken, Jytte Elseviers, Rafael Ferrer Garcia, Mark Huyse, Dieter Pauwels, et al.
Pagina's: 1 - 17 - beta-delayed fission and alpha decay of At-196(2016)
Auteurs: Lars Ghys, Mark Huyse, Piet Van Duppen, Simon Sels, Boris Andel, Thomas Elias Cocolios, Hilde De Witte, Dieter Pauwels, Deyan Radulov, Elisa Rapisarda, et al.