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Arthur Oosthout
- Disciplines:Theorie en methodologie in de filosofie
- De Wulf-Mansioncentrum voor Antieke, Middeleeuwse en Renaissancefilosofie (OE) (Onderzoekseenheid)
Vanaf1 okt 2018 → Heden
1 - 1 of 1
- Delen te over? Damascius' kritische reflectie op de Neoplatoonse theorie omtrent deel-geheelrelatiesVanaf1 okt 2022 → 30 sep 2023Financiering: BOF - postdoctorale mandaten
1 - 7 van 7
- Special Section: Part and Whole in Antiquity(2024)
Auteurs: Arthur Oosthout, Sokratis-Athanasios Kiosoglou
- Introduction: Part and Whole in Antiquity(2024)
Auteurs: Arthur Oosthout, Sokratis-Athanasios Kiosoglou
Pagina's: 3 - 6 - More than Perfect? The Distinction between “Completely Perfect” (παντελής) and “More than Perfect” (ὑπερτέλειος) in Proclus’ Description of the Intelligible Gods(2023)
Auteurs: Arthur Oosthout
Pagina's: 115 - 139 - Three Instances of the Good in Proclus(2023)
Auteurs: Arthur Oosthout, Gerd Van Riel
Pagina's: 371 - 393 - Proclus and the Mereological Link Between Ethics and Metaphysics. Perfection as Part of Cosmology(2022)
Auteurs: Arthur Oosthout, Gerd Van Riel, Geert Roskam
- A Wholesome Trinity: Proclus on the transcendence of whole over part(2022)
Auteurs: Arthur Oosthout
Pagina's: 515 - 536 - The problem of (in)divisible intellect in Proclus’ Elements of theology 180. Proclus and Porphyry on the relativity of the incorporeal whole(2022)
Auteurs: Arthur Oosthout
Pagina's: 1 - 21