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Quadratic buck converter

A quadratic step-down converter (1) is disclosed. The converter (1) comprises an input port (2) for receiving an input DC voltage; an output port (3) for outputting an output DC voltage; and a first voltage regulation stage (4) in series with a second voltage regulation stage (5) between the input port (2) and the output port (3). At least one of the first voltage regulation stage (4) and the second voltage regulation stage (5) comprises a first topology (T2, T3) comprising first and second diodes (D3, D4, D5, D6) and first and second inductors (L1, L2, L3, L4), wherein the first diode (D3, D4) and the first inductor (L1, L2) are in parallel with the second diode (D5, D6) and the second inductor (L3, L4).
Octrooi-publicatienummer: EP3794721
Jaar aanvraag: 2021
Jaar toekenning: 2022
Jaar van publicatie: 2021
Status: Aangevraagd
Technologiedomeinen: Elektrische machines, apparaten, energie
Gevalideerd voor IOF-sleutel: Ja
Toegewezen aan: Associatie KULeuven