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A fluid analysis device

A fluid analysis device Presented is a fluid analysis device 1 which comprises a sensing device 100 for analyzing a fluid sample, the sensing device comprising a micro-fluidic component 4 for propagating the fluid sample and a microchip 103 configured for sensing the fluid sample in the micro-fluidic component 4; a sealed fluid compartment 6 containing a further fluid, the compartment 6 being fluid-tight connected to the sensing device 100 and adapted for providing the further fluid to the micro-fluidic component 4 when the sealed fluid compartment 6 is opened; and an inlet 7 for providing the fluid sample to the micro-fluidic component 4. Further, a method for sensing a fluid sample using the fluid analysis device 1 is presented.
Octrooi-publicatienummer: EP3223944
Jaar aanvraag: 2020
Jaar toekenning: 2020
Jaar van publicatie: 2020
Status: Toegewezen
Technologiedomeinen: Chemische ingenieurswetenschappen en techniek
Gevalideerd voor IOF-sleutel: Ja
Toegewezen aan: Associatie KULeuven