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Draagbaar knie exoskelet voor power training bij ouderen (OZR3803)

Recente bewijs suggereert dat een krachttrainingsprogramma voor
ouderen power training moet bevatten (d.w.z. oefeningen gericht op
spiercontracties die zo snel mogelijk worden uitgevoerd). Niet alle
ouderen zijn echter in staat om power te trainen (bv. omwille van
beperkte mobiliteit). Daarom is het belangrijk om trainingsvormen te
identificeren die haalbaar zijn in deze doelgroep. Het uiteindelijke doel
van dit project is de ontwikkeling van een gebruiksvriendelijk draagbaar
Research Council Regulations | Chapter 5, Article 19 – Centraal Werkingsreglement Onderzoek | approved AB 17.02.2020
Research proposal description (clearly add expected outcome):
Population aging is a worldwide trend nowadays. According to the World Population Prospects
of the United Nations, the number of older adults (i.e. people aged 65 or older) is projected
to grow from an estimated 703 million in 2019 to nearly 1.5 billion in 2050 [1]. Hence, by 2050,
1 in 6 people in the world will be over the age of 65 [1].
With the present population aging, the problem of age-related loss of physical function and
mobility poses serious consequences. A recent literature review has shown that ageing results
in wide-ranging physical losses, with a decrease in lower limb maximum muscle strength (33%
between 25-75 years), muscle power (49% between 25-75 years) and maximal aerobic
capacity (40% between 20-80 years) [2]. Along with these physical losses, numerousfunctional
losses arise. For example, steps per day decrease by 75% (60-85 years), maximum walking
speed decreases by 24% (25–75 years), self-selected walking speed decreases by 21% (20–85
years) and number of falls relative to the number of steps per day increases by 800% [2].
To combat muscle strength loss, muscle mass loss, physiological vulnerability, and their
debilitating consequences on physical functioning, mobility and independence, research has
demonstrated that resistance training is a powerful intervention [3]. As a result, resistance
training has become a cornerstone in the exercise prescription for older adults.
Recent evidence suggests that a properly designed resistance training program for older
adults should include power-oriented exercises (i.e. concentric muscle contractions
performed at maximum velocity) [3, 4]. This is because, as we age, muscle power (the product
of force and velocity or force per unit time) declines faster than muscle strength (the ability
to produce maximal force) [5], and muscle power is more closely related to physical function
than muscle strength [6].
Despite its demonstrated value [5], power-oriented resistance training can pose limitations in
older adults. For example, the limited mobility of many older adults can constitute a barrier
to the regular practice of traditional lower limb exercises. Considering that 24% of older adults
use mobility aids (e.g., canes, walkers, or wheelchairs) [7], traditional exercises performed
while standing unaided may not be realistic for older adults with compromised balance and
mobility [3]. On top of that, power-oriented exercises are usually performed with exercise
machines, elastic bands or weights [4]. Exercise machines, on the one hand, are expensive,
stationary and not configured to exact body size and type. Elastic bands and weights, on the
other hand, are cheap and portable, but require careful supervision to ensure that older adults
are performing exercises in a safe and correct manner (i.e. full range of motion and maximum
knie-exoskelet dat doeltreffender is voor het verhogen van power dan
traditionele oefeningsprogramma's. Als eerste essentiële stap naar dit
lange-termijn doel zullen we de ZAP startbonus gebruiken om de
gebruikerseisen, ergonomische eisen en biomechanische eisen te
bestuderen, en deze te verwerken in het ontwerp van een bestaand knie
exoskelet dat oorspronkelijk werd ontwikkeld voor het assisteren van
wandelen en zit-naar-stand na een beroerte. Voor zover we weten, zou
dit het eerste draagbare exoskelet zijn dat ontworpen wordt voor power
training van de onderste ledematen bij ouderen
Datum:1 nov 2021 →  30 jun 2022
Trefwoorden:Knie-exoskelet, spierkracht, weerstandstraining, actief ouder worden
Disciplines:Rehabilitatie ingenieurswetenschappen, Human-centered en life-like robotica, Revalidatie, Fysiotherapie, Biomechanica, Gebruik van medische apparatuur, Geriatrie