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Detailed α-decay study of 180Tl

Tijdschriftbijdrage - Tijdschriftartikel

A detailed α-decay spectroscopy study of 180Tl has been performed at ISOLDE (CERN). Z-selective ionization by the Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source (RILIS) coupled to mass separation provided a high-purity beam of 180Tl. Fine-structure α decays to excited levels in the daughter 176Au were identified and an α-decay scheme of 180Tl was constructed based on an analysis of α−γ and α−γ−γ coincidences. Multipolarities of several γ-ray transitions deexciting levels in 176Au were determined. Based on the analysis of reduced α-decay widths, it was found that all α decays are hindered, which signifies a change of configuration between the parent and all daughter states.
Tijdschrift: Physical Review C
ISSN: 2469-9985
Issue: 5
Volume: 96
Jaar van publicatie:2017
BOF-publication weight:1
CSS-citation score:1
Authors from:Government, Higher Education