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Bryan Boyle

  • Onderzoeksexpertise:

    Bryan's research project is situated at the intersection of cultural-class difference and (the rise of) interactive-service work. It seeks to address the expereinces of workers when embodied performances - such as how one speaks or presents themselves - are judged in terms of both occupational competency (labour) and class culture (cultural capital).

  • Trefwoorden:Politieke en sociale wetenschappen, Letteren
  • Disciplines:Natuurwetenschappen, Ingenieurswetenschappen en technologie
  • Gebruikers van onderzoeksexpertise:

    Bryan's research project is situated at the intersection of cultural-class difference and (the rise of) interactive-service work. It seeks to address the expereinces of workers when embodied performances - such as how one speaks or presents themselves - are judged in terms of both occupational competency (labour) and class culture (cultural capital).