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Aanpak van subtalaire enkelstabiliteit


Enkel distorsies zijn de meest voorkomende sportletsels en zijn verantwoordelijk voor 3 tot 5 % van de patiëntencontacten op spoedgevallen. Enkeldistrorsies  hebben een hoge sociale en economische kost geassocieerd aan diagnose, behandeling en verlies aan arbeidsproductiviteit met een geschatte jaarlijks kost van 187.2 miljoen euro in Nederland.

Meeste patiënten keren terug naar hun normale activiteit na 4 tot 8 weken.  Toch blijft tot 50% vande patiënten last hebben van aanslepende klachten die invloed hebben op hun dagdagelijkse activiteiten. De meest voorkomende oorzaken zijn onvolledige revalidatie, chronische instabiliteit, intra-articulaire letsels, ongediagnosticeerde ligamentaire letsels en pees degeneratie.

Tussen de 10-30% vande patiënten ontwikkelen chronische instabiliteit. Chroische instabiliteit kan  men opsplitsen in mechanische en functioneel. Mechanische instabiliteit wordt gedefinieerd als pathologische laxiteit van het tibiotalair gewricht in associatie met instabiliteitsklachten. Functionele instabiliteit is het subjectief gevoel van wegschuiven terwijl er geen abnormaal verhoogde beweeglijkheid wordt vastgesteld.

In patients with persisting symptomatic mechanical instability surgical treatment should be considered. In terms of surgical treatment, a distinction is made between repair and reconstruction. A repair is defined as suturing of the torn lateral ligaments. A reconstruction refers to the replacement of the chronically deficient lateral ligaments with local tissues or with graft tissue. The Broström-Gould repair is still considered the gold-standard first-line surgical procedure. In case of failure of a surgical repair, an ankle ligament reconstruction is recommended. Some patients (high BMI, heavy labour occupation or sports requirements,…) may benefit from a ligament reconstruction as a primary procedure. Talocrural instability is often associated with subtalar instability, and unrecognized subtalar instability is a possible cause of failure of the surgical treatment.


The precise cause of functional instability remains unknown, but multiple possible causes are suggested, such as proprioceptive and neuromuscular deficit; unrecognized true subtalar instability; damaged ligaments; scar tissue; and micro-instability. This makes treatment in this group of patients difficult, and the role of surgery controversial, both with regards to timing and the type of procedure.


Subtalar instability has been associated with failure of treatment in patients with mechanical instability as well as functional instability. The incidence of subtalar instability remains unknown but has been estimated from 10 to 80%. Currently, subtalar instability is still difficult to diagnose and is often overlooked [1, 2]. Several methods of stress radiographs have been described but more recent publications question the reliability of those methods. As the normal mobility of the subtalar joint occurs in tridimensional plane, it is difficult to assess this mobility with conventional two dimensional X-rays.


The difficulties in diagnosing cause improper treatment of the patients with suspected subtalar instability. Currently there are no evidence based guidelines according the best treatment strategy. The advent of newer implants and less invasive surgical techniques offers opportunities but still many questions remain unanswered, such as: How  frequent is subtalar instability in patients with CAI? How to treat patients with persistent complaints of subtalar instability? What about patients with a combination of subtalar and tibiotalar instability? At what timing a surgical treatment should be considered? Which surgical technique should be used? Which ligaments should be repaired or reconstructed? Are the newer techniques save and how can we improve them?


Several studies have already been done by our research group about the treatment of talocrural instability in collaboration with the ESSKA AFAS Ankle Instability Group. The aim of this project is to continue this research with a focus on the subtalar instability. General hypothesis

Subtalar instability is a common problem but often overlooked that causes unadapted treatment.


Aims of the project

to improve diagnostic tools to assess subtalar instability.

to improve the surgical treatment and offer some guidelines



Exploratory studies

Three exploratory studies will be performed to assess the current knowledge, diagnosis and treatment.

The aim of the first study is to conduct a systematic review regarding the diagnostic accuracy of various modalities used to diagnose subtalar instability. Our main objectives are to determine if there are reliable and usable tests to assess subtalar ankle instability.

The second study should assess the current attitude in the approach of patients with lateral ankle instability and the current approach to subtalar instability. A survey among surgeons with clinical and scientific experience in the treatment of ankle instability will be done in collaboration with the ESSKA AFAS Ankle Instability Group. The survey would look for points of agreement concerning the best strategy for the treatment of CAI.

A third study will assess some epidemiologic aspects. Records of the emergency unit and the orthopaedic department will be assessed to study the appearance of residual symptoms after an ankle sprain with special attention to the subtalar joint.


Developing a diagnostic tool to assess ankle instability.


Improving the treatment of subtalar instability


The data from the first two parts will be integrated in the third part of the study.


A biomechanical study to address subtalar instability. A biomechanical model of the reconstructed ligaments should be tested. The feasibility of the tunnels and the fixation strength of the graft into the tunnels should be estimated.

Datum:13 feb 2017 →  13 feb 2021
Trefwoorden:ankle instability, subtalar joint
Disciplines:Laboratoriumgeneeskunde, Palliatieve zorg en zorg rond het levenseinde, Regeneratieve geneeskunde, Andere basiswetenschappen, Andere gezondheidswetenschappen, Verpleegkunde, Andere paramedische wetenschappen, Andere translationele wetenschappen, Andere medische en gezondheidswetenschappen
Project type:PhD project