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Transcriptie en analyse van muziek via beeldherkenning

The goal of this research is to automatically transcribe the old music scripts from
the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries to the modern music notation
 in order to make the Franco-Flemish music accessible to
the public. From a given scanned image of an old music script, several
pre-processing steps are performed to the image in order to apply the
state-of-the-art pattern recognition techniques to recognize the
handwritten music symbols. At the meantime, several rules and the
musical parameters are integrated to produce the transcription correctly.
With the transcription, it carries out different kinds of analysis of the music scores and thus gives us a new perspective on the polyphonic music.

Datum:15 okt 2014 →  7 dec 2021
Trefwoorden:computer vision
Disciplines:Nanotechnologie, Ontwerptheorieën en -methoden
Project type:PhD project