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Guido Van Limberghen

  • Onderzoeksexpertise:

    Social protection and constitutionalism in general and in particular:

    social security rights of the self-employed;

    social security and social assistance rights of migrants;

    social security and social assistance rights of prisoners;

    old age pensions and survivors' pensions:

    national and international protection of fundamental social rights.


  • Trefwoorden:Rechtswetenschappen, Informatica
  • Disciplines:Constitutioneel recht, Sociaal recht, Europees recht, Arbeidsrecht, Mensenrechtenwetgeving
  • Gebruikers van onderzoeksexpertise:

    Social protection and constitutionalism in general and in particular:

    social security rights of the self-employed;

    social security and social assistance rights of migrants;

    social security and social assistance rights of prisoners;

    old age pensions and survivors' pensions:

    national and international protection of fundamental social rights.