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Eddy Himpe

  • Onderzoeksexpertise:

    In both types of diabetes, the beta cell mass is a crucial factor. Our general aim is to control the beta cell mass by finding drugs that stimulate beta cell regeneration. An important target for this is to promote the survival of beta cells by protecting them in stressful conditions. We conduct research on small molecules that protect cells against metabolic stress, like the phytochemicals aspalathin and phenyl propenoic acid glucoside originally discoverd in South African Rooibos.

  • Trefwoorden:Geneeskunde, Algemene en logistieke diensten
  • Disciplines:Medische en gezondheidswetenschappen, Natuurwetenschappen, Sociale wetenschappen
  • Gebruikers van onderzoeksexpertise:

    In both types of diabetes, the beta cell mass is a crucial factor. Our general aim is to control the beta cell mass by finding drugs that stimulate beta cell regeneration. An important target for this is to promote the survival of beta cells by protecting them in stressful conditions. We conduct research on small molecules that protect cells against metabolic stress, like the phytochemicals aspalathin and phenyl propenoic acid glucoside originally discoverd in South African Rooibos.