
Which information can you find in FRIS?

On the current website you can obtain information on researchers, research, scientific projects and publications.


FRIS contains the address of the active researchers in Flanders, the expertise of the researchers, an overview of the research and the results of their research.

Research units

FRIS shows the profile and address information of the research units at universities and scientific institutions in Flanders. You can find the active research unit, as well as the expertise of the unit based on its projects and publications.


Description of the public funded research in Flanders since 2008. You can find a synopsis, a summary of the scientific discipline (s) in which the project is situated, researchers and organizations involved and the funding of the project.


FRIS contains some types of publications of the Flemish universities and scientific institutions: books and contributions to books and journals. You can find the title, summary and implementers of the publication. g

FRIS graphs

At the page 'Figures' graphs are shown that are built based on the FRIS data. These charts will be expanded in the coming years.

Expert finder

This module allows to find experts (person or organisation) based on a search through the tree structure of the scientific disciplines in Flanders. This fixed classification is a list of existing scientific disciplines agreed in Flanders and will be made and maintained in consultation with our partners at ECOOM Hasselt.