Influence of vaginal microbiota on the pathophysiology of microbial-associated intra-amniotic inflammation and “sterile” inflammation in women with preterm labor with intact membranes and women with preterm prelabour rupture of the membranes KU Leuven
Background: Sequencing of 16S rRNA gene emerges to better understand the influence of microbiome on spontaneous preterm birth (sPTB). There is a few data regarding its influence on the infectious/inflammatory physiopathology of sPTB. According to the amniotic fluid (AF) information of infection/inflammation (IAI), four phenotypes of women have been defined: microbial-associated IAI, “sterile” ...
Eosinophils in upper airway inflammation : the good, the bad or the ugly? A study on the role of staphylococcus aureus in the interactions and plasticity of eosinophils and their products in upper airway inflammation. Ghent University
Eosinophilic infiltration and Staphylococcus aureus colonization have both been associated with
chronic rhinosinusitis patients with polyps. However, the role and true significance of eosinophils
in upper airway inflammation is still poorly understood. Since their discovery and despite their role
in antibacterial defense, eosinophils have been considered as harmful cells responsible for tissue
Study of the molecular mechanisms by which chronic intestinal inflammation affects stem cell function leading to epithelial inflammation and cancer development Ghent University
Chronic inflammation contributes to tumor promotion and progression, and many of the tumor-promoting effects of inflammation depend on the activation of the transcription factor NF-κB. Interference with NF-κB signalling therefore represents a potential new therapeutic approach. Our project concerns the study of how NF-kB-dependent inflammation affects intestinal tissue physiology and can contribute to the development of intestinal cancer....
Interrelationship of pulmonary inflammation, systemic inflammation and airway remodelling in the pathogenesis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Ghent University
The overall aim of this coordinated, multidisciplinary research proposal is to elucidate the interrelationship between systemic inflammation, pulmonary inflammation and airway remodelling in the pathogenesis of COPD. The central hypothesis is that "COPD ensues from an inappropriate (ie exaggerated, harmful) inflammatory and/or fibrogenic response of the host to cigarette smoke".
The interplay of psychological stress, increased intestinal permeability and low grade inflammation in the pathophysiology of functional and inflammatory gastrointestinal disorders. KU Leuven
In this project we will investigate whether similar abnormalities are present in the colon, which is of importance to study IBS, and whether the observed pathology also leads to hypersensitivity of the gut. In the second part of the project we will set up a treatment study with the antiinflammatory agent budesonide, first in the BB-rat and later also in patients with functional dyspepsia. From these results we will ...
MoodBugs: "How our gut microbes influence how we feel – bacterial metabolites and inflammation as mediators of human microbiota-affect relationships" KU Leuven
Do our gut microbes influence our emotions? This sounded far-fetched a decade ago, but rodent research has shown that the gut microbiota causally impacts affective processes. The underlying microbiota-gut-brain signaling mechanisms include the capacity of the microbiota to produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) from dietary fiber (DOI: 10.1038/s41575-019-0157-3), and to regulate inflammation. These rodent findings have great potential ...
MoodBugs: How our gut microbes influence how we feel - bacterial metabolites and inflammation as mediators of human microbiota-affect relationships KU Leuven
Do our gut microbes influence our emotions? This sounded far-fetched a decade ago, but rodent research has shown that the microbial ecosystem in the gut (the gut microbiota) causally impacts affective processes. The underlying microbiota-gut-brain signalling mechanisms include the capacity of the microbiota to produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) from dietary fiber and to regulate inflammation.
These rodent findings have great potential ...
Accelerating the valorisation of the BEAT inflammation technology, a microbiome-based biotherapeutic for chronic respiratory inflammatory diseases. Ghent University
This project aims to increase the IP value and industrial partner attractiveness of the UGent BEAT technology, which offers an innovative approach to treat inflammation in patients with chronic lung disease. Although a scientific proof-of-concept has been established by the UGent research team, particular gaps remain to be addressed from an industry perspective. Hence, the proposed StarTT project aims to fill the gap between an academic and ...
Resolution of inflammation and its mediators in models of osteoarthritis KU Leuven
Osteoartrose is de meest voorkomende chronische gewrichtsziekte en wordt steeds meer erkend als een ziekte waaraan alle weefsels van het gewricht bijdragen. Ontsteking wordt beschouwd als een belangrijke bijdrage en een voorkeurs therapeutisch doelwit. Dit project zal de precieze kinetiek van inflammatoire veranderingen en hun resolutie in de DMM-, collagenase- en papaïne-modellen van osteoartritis bepalen, monsters ...