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Rationale behind the optimum efficiency of columns packed with new 1.9 mu m fully porous particles of narrow particle size distribution Vrije Universiteit Brussel KU Leuven
Columns packed with new commercially available 1.9 fully porous particles of narrow particle size distribution (nPSD) are characterized by extremely high efficiency. Under typical reversed phase conditions, these columns are able to generate very high number of theoretical plates (in the order of 300,000 plates/m and more). In this paper, we investigate the origin of the high performance of these nPSD columns by performing a series of ...
In situ variability of mass-specific beam attenuation and backscattering of marine particles with respect to particle size, density, and composition Ghent University
This study analyzes relationships between concentration of suspended particles represented by dry mass, [SPM], or area, [AC], and optical properties including particulate beam attenuation (c(p)), side scattering (b(s)), and backscattering (b(bp)), obtained from an intensive sampling program in coastal and offshore waters around Europe and French Guyana. First-order optical properties are driven by particle concentration with best predictions of ...
Kinetic performance comparison of fully and superficially porous particles with a particle size of 5 µm: Intrinsic evaluation and application to the impurity analysis of griseofulvin Vrije Universiteit Brussel
After the great commercial success of sub-3 µm superficially porous particles, vendors are now also starting to commercialize 5 µm superficially porous particles, as an alternative to their fully porous counterparts which are routinely used in pharmaceutical analysis. In this study, the performance of 5 µm superficially porous particles was compared to that of fully porous 5 µm particles in terms of efficiency, separation performance and ...
Evaluation of particle and bed integrity of aqueous size-exclusion columns packed with sub-2 µm particles operated at high pressure Vrije Universiteit Brussel
The performance of columns packed with 1.7 µm particles for aqueous size-exclusion chromatography was assessed at high-pressure conditions and linked to particle- and column-bed integrity. Decreasing the particle size from 3.5 µm to 1.7 µm increases the resolution due to the improved mass-transfer characteristics, allowing to significantly speed-up analysis without compromising the selectivity. A sub-minute separation of intact proteins was ...
Optical backscattering by particles in Arctic seawater and relationships to particle mass concentration, size distribution, and bulk composition Ghent University
The magnitude and spectral shape of the optical backscattering coefficient of particles, b(bp)(lambda), is being increasingly used to infer information about the particles present in seawater. Relationships between b(bp) and particle properties in the Arctic are poorly documented, and may differ from other oceanic regions which contribute the majority of data used to develop and parameterize optical models. We utilize recent field measurements ...
Reconnection and particle acceleration in interacting flux ropes - II. 3D effects on test particles in magnetically dominated plasmas (vol 471, pg 3465, 2017) KU Leuven
© 2016 The Authors. The paper 'Reconnection and particle acceleration in interacting flux ropes - II. 3D effects on test particles in magnetically dominated plasmas' was published in MNRAS, 471(3), 3465-3482 (2017). After the publication of the article an error was found in a postprocessing script affecting several figures. The numerical data and the results of the calculations are correct and the conclusions drawn are too. Nevertheless, the ...
Reconnection and particle acceleration in interacting flux ropes – II. 3D effects on test particles in magnetically dominated plasmas KU Leuven
We analyse particle acceleration in explosive reconnection events in magnetically dominated proton–electron plasmas. Reconnection is driven by large-scale magnetic stresses in interacting current-carrying flux tubes. Our model relies on development of current-driven instabilities on macroscopic scales. These tilt–kink instabilities develop in an initially force-free equilibrium of repelling current channels. Using magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) ...
Reconnection and particle acceleration in interacting flux ropes – I. Magnetohydrodynamics and test particles in 2.5D KU Leuven
Magnetic reconnection and non-thermal particle distributions associated with current-driven instabilities are investigated by means of resistive magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulations combined with relativistic test particle methods. We propose a system with two parallel, repelling current channels in an initially force-free equilibrium, as a simplified representation of flux ropes in a stellar magnetosphere. The current channels undergo a ...