Human computation as a new method for evidence-based knowledge transfer in web-based guideline development groups: A proof of concept randomized controlled trial KU Leuven
Minimization in randomized clinical trials Hasselt University
Evaluating newly approved drugs in combination regimens for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis with fluoroquinolone resistance (endTB-Q): study protocol for a multi-country randomized controlled trial Institute of Tropical Medicine
BACKGROUND: Treatment for fluoroquinolone-resistant multidrug-resistant/rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis (pre-XDR TB) often lasts longer than treatment for less resistant strains, yields worse efficacy results, and causes substantial toxicity. The newer anti-tuberculosis drugs, bedaquiline and delamanid, and repurposed drugs clofazimine and linezolid, show great promise for combination in shorter, less-toxic, and effective regimens. To date, ...
Role of cerebral hypoperfusion in multiple sclerosis (ROCHIMS): study protocol for a proof-of-concept randomized controlled trial with bosentan Vrije Universiteit Brussel KU Leuven
Background: Axonal degeneration is related to long-term disability in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). The underlying mechanism remains ill understood but appears to involve axonal energetic dysfunction. A globally impaired cerebral blood flow (CBF) has been observed in the normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) of patients with MS, which is probably related to astrocytic overexpression of endothelin-1 (ET-1). Cerebral hypoperfusion has ...
Evaluating newly approved drugs for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (endTB): study protocol for an adaptive, multi-country randomized controlled trial Institute of Tropical Medicine
BACKGROUND: Treatment of multidrug- and rifampin-resistant tuberculosis (MDR/RR-TB) is expensive, labour-intensive, and associated with substantial adverse events and poor outcomes. While most MDR/RR-TB patients do not receive treatment, many who do are treated for 18 months or more. A shorter all-oral regimen is currently recommended for only a sub-set of MDR/RR-TB. Its use is only conditionally recommended because of very low-quality ...
Comments on "Effectiveness of sustained natural apophyseal glides in females with cervicogenic headache: A randomized controlled trial" Hasselt University
Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in sports injury research Vrije Universiteit Brussel
BACKGROUND: In randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of interventions that aim to prevent sports injuries, the intention-to-treat principle is a recommended analysis method and one emphasised in the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement that guides quality reporting of such trials. However, an important element of injury prevention trials-compliance with the intervention-is not always well-reported. The purpose of the ...
Protocol, rationale and design of BE-PEOPLE (Bedaquiline enhanced exposure prophylaxis for LEprosy in the Comoros): a cluster randomized trial on effectiveness of rifampicin and bedaquiline as post-exposure prophylaxis of leprosy contacts Institute of Tropical Medicine
BACKGROUND: Leprosy is an ancient infectious disease with an annual global incidence of around 200,000 over the past decade. Since 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends single-dose rifampicin as post-exposure prophylaxis (SDR-PEP) for contacts of leprosy patients. The Post ExpOsure Prophylaxis for Leprosy (PEOPLE) trial evaluated PEP with a double dose of rifampicin in Comoros and Madagascar. Preliminary results of this trial ...
Evaluation of artesunate-mefloquine as a novel alternative treatment for schistosomiasis in African children (SchistoSAM): protocol of a proof-of-concept, open-label, two-arm, individually-randomised controlled trial Institute of Tropical Medicine
INTRODUCTION: Alternative drugs and diagnostics are needed for the treatment and control of schistosomiasis. The exclusive use of praziquantel (PZQ) in mass drug administration programmes may result in the emergence of drug resistance. PZQ has little activity against Schistosoma larvae, thus reinfection remains a problem in high-risk communities. Furthermore, the insufficient sensitivity of conventional microscopy hinders therapeutic response ...