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Greening the dike revetment with historic sod transplantation technique in a living lab Flanders Hydraulics
Coastal flood managers seek to anticipate future flood risk and as a result consider the adaptation of flood defences. Instead of crest heightening, dikes can be adapted to include hydrodynamic reducing vegetated foreshores to form a nature-based hybrid flood defence, for instance; at managed realignments. In this study we investigated the potential of vegetated revetments as a natural continuous connection between the realigned dike and ...
Enhancing our understanding of fish movement ecology through interdisciplinary and cross-boundary research Flanders Marine Institute Research Institute for Nature and Forest
Animals need to move between different habitats to successfully complete their life cycle. Anthropogenic activities and infrastructure impact animal movement, especially in the aquatic realm, due to habitat alteration (including fragmentation), pollution, overexploitation, the spread of invasive alien species and climate change. Gaining knowledge on the complex phenomenon of fish movement is essential to understand the diverse ways in which ...
Ten (mostly) simple rules to future‐proof trait data in ecological and evolutionary sciences Flanders Marine Institute
Standards and Open Access are the ICOS Pillars: Reply to “Comments on ‘The Integrated Carbon Observation System in Europe’” Flanders Marine Institute University of Antwerp
Dataset of ocean vessel traffic in the North Sea Flanders Marine Institute
Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a technology that allows ships to broadcast their position, course, speed, and other information to other vessels or shore-based stations. By collecting and analysing this data, it is possible to create a heatmap of ship activity in a particular region, such as the North Sea. This heatmap acts as a representation of vessel activity per class. A heatmap in a standard geoinformatics format may be preferable ...
COBRA Master Class: providing deep-sea expedition leadership training to accelerate early career advancement Flanders Marine Institute
Leading deep-sea research expeditions requires a breadth of training and experience, and the opportunities for Early Career Researchers (ECRs) to obtain focused mentorship on expedition leadership are scarce. To address the need for leadership training in deep-sea expeditionary science, the Crustal Ocean Biosphere Research Accelerator (COBRA) launched a 14-week virtual Master Class with both synchronous and asynchronous components to empower ...
Evaluation of historic and new detection algorithms for different types of plastics over land and water from hyperspectral data and imagery Flanders Marine Institute
Several spectral indices have been proposed in the last decade for remote detection of macroplastics in the environment, however no comprehensive analysis has been provided on the sensitivity of those algorithms to different plastic types and their application to remote imagery over land and water. In addition, algorithm threshold values for plastic detection are typically variable per scene, and evaluation of how thresholds perform in multiple ...