Comparison of the direct faecal smear and two thick smear techniques for the diagnosis of intestinal parasitic infections Institute of Tropical Medicine
Prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections in northern Vietnam Institute of Tropical Medicine
Field evaluation of a topical doramectin formulation for the chemoprophylaxis of parasitic bronchitis in calves Institute of Tropical Medicine
A study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of two topical treatments with doramectin on the season-long control of lungworm and gastrointestinal infections in first grazing season (FGS) calves. At the start of the study, 20 FGS calves were randomly allocated into two treatment groups of 10 animals each. Calves in the D-group were treated with doramectin pour-on on days 0 and 56, at a dosage of 500 microg kg(-1) BW: calves in the C-group ...
The burden of parasitic zoonoses in Nepal Institute of Tropical Medicine Ghent University
BACKGROUND: Parasitic zoonoses (PZs) pose a significant but often neglected threat to public health, especially in developing countries. In order to obtain a better understanding of their health impact, summary measures of population health may be calculated, such as the Disability-Adjusted Life Year (DALY). However, the data required to calculate such measures are often not readily available for these diseases, which may lead to a vicious ...