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Beta-binomial analysis of variance model for network meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy data Hasselt University KU Leuven
There are several generalized linear mixed models to combine direct and indirect evidence on several diagnostic tests from related but independent diagnostic studies simultaneously also known as network meta-analysis. The popularity of these models is due to the attractive features of the normal distribution and the availability of statistical software to obtain parameter estimates. However, modeling the latent sensitivity and specificity using ...
Optimising the convergence of a Sobol’ sensitivity analysis for an environmental model: application of an appropriate estimate for the square of the expectation value and the total variance Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Over-parameterisation is a key issue in (integrated) environmental modelling. Therefore, a sensitivity analysis (SA) can assist in the proper application of a complex environmental model, such as the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). A very powerful sensitivity analysis technique that is gaining popularity in environmental modelling is the variance-based Sobol' method. Still, the high number of model evaluations necessary to perform the ...
Band-averaged variance prediction in hybrid deterministicstatistical-energy analysis of vibro-acoustic systems KU Leuven
© Proceedings of ISMA 2018 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering and USD 2018 - International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics. All rights reserved. The hybrid deterministic - statistical energy analysis method is a versatile framework for vibro-acoustic analysis. Stiff system components are modelled deterministically, while the wave fields in flexible components are modelled as diffuse. In this paper, the ...
The variance of clavicular surface morphology is predictable: an analysis of dependent and independent metadata variables. KU Leuven
BACKGROUND: The anatomy of the clavicle is specific and varied in reference to its topography and shape. These anatomic characteristics play an important role in the open treatment of clavicle fractures. The complex and variable topography creates challenges for implant placement, contouring, and position. Hardware prominence and irritation does influence the decision for secondary surgical intervention. METHODS: Computerized tomographic scans ...
Gait variability between younger and older adults: An equality of variance analysis KU Leuven
BACKGROUND: To estimate gait variability, several methods have been routinely used which provide a measure of global variability. A recent study introduced a group waveform variability method which provides a point-by-point measurement of data variance equality. This can identify where in the gait cycle the significant differences in variability exist. RESEARCH QUESTION: Do waveform differences exist in equality of variance and group means in ...
Variance reducing capacity of concrete conformity control in structural reliability analysis under parameter uncertainties Ghent University
When concrete is produced, certain batches are accepted or rejected due to conformity control, resulting in a so-called filter effect characterized by an increase of the expected value and a decrease of the variance of the material property under consideration. As a consequence, conformity control influences the distribution of the parameters of the material strength distribution, resulting in a filter effect on the uncertain reliability index. ...
Application of Variance Analyses Comparison in Seismic Damage Assessment of Masonry Buildings Using Three Simplified Indexes Hasselt University
The reasonable assessment of potential damage type of masonry structures in seismic-prone zone is very significant to strengthen existing masonry structures and guide the construction of the new building. The primary objective of the study is to propose and determine a reasonable assessment index to predict the damage type of masonry structures in different seismic intensity zones using the survey results of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and ...
Impact of error structure misspecification when testing measurement invariance and latent-factor mean difference using MIMIC and multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis KU Leuven
When multiple groups are compared, the error variance-covariance structure is not always invariant between groups. In this study we investigated the impacts of misspecified error structures on testing measurement invariance and the latent-factor mean difference between groups. A Monte Carlo study was conducted to examine how measurement invariance and latent mean difference tests were affected when heterogeneous error structures were ...