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Shape coexistence in the nickel (Z=28) and mercury (Z=80) regions probed through decay studies KU Leuven
In the last 60 years, the understanding of shape coexistence, a phenomenon when low-lying nuclear structures are exhibiting different deformations, evolved from being a rarity which occurs only in selected nuclei, to an almost universal property throughout the whole chart of nuclides. There are many fingerprints pointing toward shape coexistence in the nucleus, with the spectroscopic quadrupole moment being the most important. This phenomenon ...
Publisher Correction: The observation of vibrating pear-shapes in radon nuclei. KU Leuven
An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.
Thejurogam 3spectrometer KU Leuven
Evolution of Octupole Deformation in Radium Nuclei from Coulomb Excitation of Radioactive 222Ra and 228Ra Beams KU Leuven
There is sparse direct experimental evidence that atomic nuclei can exhibit stable "pear" shapes arising from strong octupole correlations. In order to investigate the nature of octupole collectivity in radium isotopes, electric octupole (E3) matrix elements have been determined for transitions in ^{222,228}Ra nuclei using the method of sub-barrier, multistep Coulomb excitation. Beams of the radioactive radium isotopes were provided by the ...