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De dynamiek tussen armoede en mentale gezondheid bij 65-plussers binnen de Europese bevolking KU Leuven
The association between non-parental childcare intensity and parental mental health across Europe KU Leuven University of Antwerp
BACKGROUND: Young children are spending an increasing amount of time in non-parental childcare. Despite this trend, few studies have examined how the intensity of non-parental childcare associates with mental health in parents, particularly taking the institutional context concerning childcare into account. METHODS: Data from the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions EU-SILC (2013) were used to develop a multi-level linear ...
How much does immigration contribute to national poverty rates? A decomposition analysis for 17 European welfare states. KU Leuven
Over the past decades, many European welfare states failed to reduce poverty. We examine two coinciding trends: the inability to lower poverty rates, and the growth of immigrant populations. Immigrants have become the main contributor to population growth in Europe and have higher poverty risks than natives. This contribution quantifies to what extent national poverty rates were driven by population change. We present a Kitagawa–Blinder–Oaxaca ...
Policy feedback and income targeting in the welfare state KU Leuven University of Antwerp
New directions in research on public support for universal basic income KU Leuven
In this chapter, we focus on public opinion on universal basic income (UBI), which plays a crucial role in its political feasibility. Previous research has shown that public support is volatile and contingent on the definition of UBI. Two key determinants were also identified: individual and contextual factors. However, we note that much is still unknown about the interactions between these determinants and the characteristics of a UBI. In this ...