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Minipublics in the hot seat: Contextualising the effects of minipublics on perceived political legitimacy among the public at large KU Leuven
Across established democracies, many citizens express disenchantment with present-day democracy and have little confidence in the existing representative system (Citrin & Stoker, 2018; Mansbridge, 2018). This gives rise to concerns about democracy's stability and its ability to tackle the challenges of today and tomorrow (Tomassen & van Ham, 2017; van der Meer & Zmerli, 2017). An often-proposed response is to reform the process of ...
The perceived legitimacy of deliberative minipublics: Taking the perspective of polarised citizens KU Leuven
Can the use of minipublics backfire? Examining how policy adoption shapes the effect of minipublics on political support among the general public KU Leuven Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Academics and practitioners are increasingly interested in deliberative minipublics and whether these can address widespread dissatisfaction with contemporary politics. While optimism seems to prevail, there is also talk that the use of minipublics may backfire. When the government disregards a minipublic's recommendations, this could lead to more dissatisfaction than not asking for its advice in the first place. Using an online survey ...