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Do Athletes Have a Right to Access Their Athlete Biological Passport? KU Leuven
The Athlete Biological Passport (ABP) refers to the collection of data related to an individual athlete. The ABP contains the Haematological Module and the Steroidal Module, which are used for the longitudinal monitoring of variables in blood and urine, respectively. Based on changes in these variables, a statistical model detects outliers which indicate doping use and guide further targeted testing of the athlete. Presently, athletes can access ...
Deliberazione e rincrescimento. Il «dare ragioni» come pratica di cittadinanza responsabile KU Leuven
La bioetica empirica come boundary object. Riflessioni sullo statuto epistemologico della disciplina. KU Leuven
Although the expression "empirical bioethics" has become commonplace within bioethical scholarship, the precise meaning of such notion and what is implied by the so-called 'empirical turn in bioethics' are still controversial issues. Underpinned by a definitional aim, the present contribution is configured as a meta-level work geared at scrutinizing the epistemological status of empirical bioethics, i.e. its disciplinary positioning and ...
Spinal cord injury: ethical issues KU Leuven
Anti-doping research and the Helsinki Declaration: (mis)match? KU Leuven
The fight against doping in sport is internationally coordinated by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Through its World Anti-Doping Code, WADA aims to harmonize anti-doping policies, rules and regulations. One key reference document bound to the Code is the International Standard for Laboratories (ISL), which mainly specifies the criteria that must be met for laboratory accreditation, as well as standards to adopt for the production of valid ...
Ethics Review in Anti-Doping Research: Experiences of Stakeholders. KU Leuven
Background. The World Anti-Doping Agency is the international body coordinating anti-doping efforts, with the mandate of harmonizing anti-doping policy worldwide. With novel performance-enhancing compounds continuously entering the market, research is necessary to develop appropriate methods for their detection. WADA-accredited laboratories are required to spend 7% of their annual budget on this research and need to obtain ethics approval for ...
Evaluating the effectiveness of clinical ethics committees: a systematic review KU Leuven
Clinical Ethics Committees (CECs), as distinct from Research Ethics Committees, were originally established with the aim of supporting healthcare professionals in managing controversial clinical ethical issues. However, it is still unclear whether they manage to accomplish this task and what is their impact on clinical practice. This systematic review aims to collect available assessments of CECs' performance as reported in literature, in order ...
Factors that influence data sharing through data sharing platforms: A qualitative study on the views and experiences of cohort holders and platform developers KU Leuven Ghent University
BACKGROUND: Infrastructures are being developed to enhance and facilitate the sharing of cohort data internationally. However, empirical studies show that many barriers impede sharing data broadly. PURPOSE: Therefore, our aim is to describe the barriers and concerns for the sharing of cohort data, and the implications for data sharing platforms. METHODS: Seventeen participants involved in developing data sharing platforms or tied to cohorts that ...