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Defect density reduction of the Al2O3/GaAs(001) interface by using H2S molecular beam passivation KU Leuven
Autoxidation of Hydrocarbons: From Chemistry to Catalysis KU Leuven
This contribution summarizes our recent efforts to unravel the radical chemistry of autoxidations. Abstraction of the weakly bonded alpha H-atom of the primary hydroperoxide product by chain carrying peroxyl radicals is identified as the source of major end products such as alcohol and ketone/aldehyde. In the case of cyclohexane autoxidation, this reaction is even responsible for the majority of ring-opened by-products. In a second part, ...
Autoxidation chemistry: Bridging the gap between homogeneous radical chemistry and (heterogeneous) catalysis KU Leuven
During the autoxidation of cyclohexane, abstraction of the alpha H-atom of the hydroperoxide product by chain-carrying peroxyl radicals produces both the desired alcohol and ketone products, as well as the majority of by-products. Rationalizing the impact of: this reaction, one should aim for a (catalytic) destruction of this hydroperoxide without the intervention of peroxyl chain-carriers. Starting from these new insights in the molecular ...