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Vanessa Cool
- Disciplines:Computer aided engineering, simulation and design, Numerical modelling and design, Acoustics, noise and vibration engineering, Dynamics, vibration and vibration control
- Mecha(tro)nic System Dynamics (LMSD) (Division)
From1 Sep 2020 → Today
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- Development of novel vibro-acoustic metamaterials with structural load-carrying capacity through a model-based design methodologyFrom21 Aug 2020 → TodayFunding: FWO fellowships
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- A guide to numerical dispersion curve calculations: explanation, interpretation and basic Matlab code(2024)
Authors: Vanessa Cool, Elke Deckers, Lucas Van Belle, Claus Claeys
- Load-carrying Vibro-acoustic Sandwich Panels: a Meta-structure Approach(2024)
Authors: Vanessa Cool, Wim Desmet, Frank Naets, Elke Deckers
- Experimental validation of a topology optimized 2D sandwich panel for sound transmission minimization(2024)
Authors: Vanessa Cool, Claus Claeys, Hervé Denayer, Frank Naets, Elke Deckers
- Vibroacoustic topology optimization for sound transmission minimization through sandwich structures(2024)
Authors: Vanessa Cool, Frank Naets, Elke Deckers
- Efficient dispersion curve computations for periodic vibro-acoustic structures using the (generalized) Bloch mode synthesis(2022)
Authors: Vanessa Cool, Frank Naets, Lucas Van Belle, Wim Desmet, Elke Deckers
Number of pages: 8 - Impact of the acoustic transmission path on the vibro-acoustic performance of sandwich panels with structural cores with bandgap behavior(2022)
Authors: Vanessa Cool, Lucas Van Belle, Claus Claeys, Wim Desmet, Elke Deckers
- Contribution of the wave modes to the sound transmission loss of inhomogeneous periodic structures using a wave and finite element based approach(2022)
Authors: Vanessa Cool, Régis Boukadia, Lucas Van Belle, Wim Desmet, Elke Deckers
- Ranking the contributions of the wave modes to the sound transmission loss of infinite inhomogeneous periodic structures(2022)
Authors: Vanessa Cool, Régis Boukadia, Lucas Van Belle, Wim Desmet, Elke Deckers
Pages: 734 - 742Number of pages: 9 - Loewner-based black box stability preserving model reduction for time domain simulations of damped dynamical systems(2022)
Authors: Vanessa Cool, Elke Deckers, Wim Desmet
Pages: 2123 - 2133Number of pages: 10 - Accelerated dispersion curve calculations for periodic vibro-acoustic structures(2022)
Authors: Vanessa Cool, Frank Naets, Lucas Van Belle, Wim Desmet, Elke Deckers