Simon Reynaert
- Keywords:Biology
- Disciplines:Community ecology, Global ecology, Plant ecology, Atmospheric biology
- Plant and Ecosystems (PLECO) - Ecology in a time of change (Research group)
From1 Mar 2019 → Today
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- The effectiveness of novel genotypes and soil organic matter to protect agricultural grasslands against increasingly persistent weather.From1 Nov 2020 → 31 Oct 2024Funding: FWO Strategic Basic Research Grant
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- More persistent rainfall regimes: consequences and solutions for natural and managed grassland systems(2024)
Authors: Simon Reynaert, Ivan Nijs, Hans De Boeck, Erik Verbruggen, Tommy D' Hose
Number of pages: 315 - Direct and higher-order interactions in plant communities under increasing weather persistence(2024)
Authors: Simon Reynaert, Jonas Lembrechts, Hans De Boeck, Lin Zi, Lingjuan Li, Ivan Nijs
Pages: 1 - 12 - Can permanent grassland soils with elevated organic carbon buffer negative effects of more persistent precipitation regimes on forage grass performance?(2024)
Authors: Simon Reynaert, Tommy D’Hose, Hans De Boeck, David Laorden, Liselot Dult, Erik Verbruggen, Ivan Nijs
Pages: 1 - 15 - Biochemical composition changes can be linked to the tolerance of four grassland species under more persistent precipitation regimes(2023)
Authors: Lin Zi, Simon Reynaert, Ivan Nijs, Hans De Boeck, Erik Verbruggen, Gerrit Beemster, Han Asard, Hamada Abd Elgawad
Pages: 1 - 13 - Ecometabolomic analysis of the effect of more persistent precipitation regimes reveals common and tolerance related metabolic adjustments in four grassland species(2023)
Authors: Lin Zi, Albert Gargallo-Garriga, Michal Oravec, Hamada Abd Elgawad, Ivan Nijs, Hans De Boeck, Simon Reynaert, Lingjuan Li, Gerrit Beemster, Otmar Urban, et al.
Pages: 1 - 12 - Longer dry and wet spells alter the stochasticity of microbial community assembly in grassland soils(2023)
Authors: Lingjuan Li, Ivan Nijs, Hans De Boeck, Olga Vinduskova, Simon Reynaert, Lin Zi, Erik Verbruggen
Pages: 1 - 9 - Basalt addition improves the performance of young grassland monocultures under more persistent weather featuring longer dry and wet spells(2023)
Authors: Simon Reynaert, Arthur Vienne, Hans De Boeck, Tommy D'Hose, Ivan Janssens, Ivan Nijs, Miguel Portillo Estrada, Erik Verbruggen, Sara Vicca
Pages: 15 - When things get MESI: the Manipulation Experiments Synthesis Initiative: a coordinated effort to synthesize terrestrial global change experiments(2023)
Authors: Kevin Van Sundert, Sebastian Leuzinger, Martin K.‐F. Bader, Scott X. Chang, Martin G. De Kauwe, Jeffrey S. Dukes, J. Adam Langley, Zilong Ma, Bertold Mariën, Simon Reynaert, et al.
Pages: 1922 - 1938 - Does previous exposure to extreme precipitation regimes result in acclimated grassland communities?(2022)
Authors: Simon Reynaert, Lin Zi, Hamada Abd Elgawad, Hans De Boeck, Olga Vinduskova, Ivan Nijs, Gerrit Beemster, Han Asard
Pages: 1 - 13 - New bat species and records for the Adriatic Islands Vis and Biševo (Croatia)(2022)
Authors: Frederik C. De Wint, Michiel Cornelis, Simon Reynaert, Pablo Alba González, Nils Bouillard, Ralf Gyselings, Luc De Bruyn
Pages: 99 - 112
Linked dataset
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- Data from: Can permanent grassland soils with elevated organic carbon buffer negative effects of more persistent precipitation regimes on forage grass performance? (Creator)
- Data from: Direct and higher-order interactions in plant communities under increasing weather persistence (Creator)
- MESI: a database of terrestrial global change experiments (Creator)
- Data from: Risk of short-term biodiversity loss under more persistent precipitation regimes (Creator)