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Patricia Mergen
- Keywords:Biodiversity Information, B110-bioinformatics, Fresh water ecology, B280-animal-ecology, Stromatopores, fossil coral reef, P006-paleonthology
- Users of research expertise:
Her main domain of expertise is fund raising and management of externally funded projects. She has also a long term experience in Biodiversity Information and especially in the domain of data standards and associated applications. Scientific expertise is in numerical ecology and statistical modelling and data analysis.
Patricia Mergen holds a Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from University of Namur in Belgium since 2002 with topic “Distribution of fish populations in Reservoir lakes”. In 1999 she received a Diploma of Specialisation (DEA) in Freshwater Ecology and has a License in Biological Sciences from the University of Namur in Paleo-ecology (Study of fossil corral reef in the stone quarry of Tailfer, Belgium).