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Marc Lambrecht
- Disciplines:Applied economics, Economic history, Macroeconomics and monetary economics, Microeconomics, Tourism
- Operations Management Research Group (main work address Leuven) (Research unit)
From1 Nov 2005 → Today
1 - 4 of 4
- Condition-based maintenance and inventory management in aftermarket servicesFrom1 Oct 2012 → 29 Aug 2019Funding: Own budget, for example: patrimony, inscription fees, gifts
- Extending an advanced queueing model to solve network design and inventory trade-off problems in the context of spare part remanufacturing.From1 Oct 2011 → 30 Sep 2014Funding: FWO fellowships
- The study of a two-echelon integrated production/inventory system solved by means of matrix analytic methods.From1 Jan 2010 → 31 Dec 2013Funding: FWO research project (including WEAVE projects)
- Advanced resource planning in the healthcare sector: impact of time-varying demand.From1 Jan 2009 → 31 Dec 2012Funding: FWO research project (including WEAVE projects)
1 - 10 of 36
- A joint replenishment production-inventory model as an MMAP[K]/PH[K]/1 queue(2022)
Authors: Robert Boute, Marc Lambrecht
Pages: 390 - 415 - Evaluation of appointment scheduling rules: A multi-performance measurement approach(2021)
Authors: Stefan Creemers, Marc Lambrecht, Jeroen Belien
Pages: 1 - 15 - Condition-based maintenance and inventory management in aftermarket services(2019)
Authors: Joeri Poppe, Robert Boute, Marc Lambrecht
- A hybrid condition-based maintenance policy for continuously monitored components with two degradation thresholds(2018)
Authors: Joeri Poppe, Robert Boute, Marc Lambrecht
Pages: 515 - 532 - A hybrid condition-based maintenance policy for continuously monitored components with two degradation thresholds(2018)
Authors: Joeri Poppe, Robert Boute, Marc Lambrecht
Pages: 515 - 532 - Numerical study of inventory management under various maintenance policies(2017)
Authors: Joeri Poppe, Robert Boute, Marc Lambrecht
Pages: 262 - 273 - Handboek Productie en Logistiek Management(2016)
Authors: Marc Lambrecht, Robert Boute, Nico Vandaele
Number of pages: 471 - Network and contract optimization for maintenance services and remanufacturing(2015)
Authors: Kris Lieckens, Pieter Colen, Marc Lambrecht
Pages: 232 - 244 - Coordinating lead times and safety stocks under autocorrelated demand(2014)
Authors: Robert Boute, Marc Lambrecht
Pages: 52 - 63 - Lot sizing and lead time decisions in production/inventory systems(2014)
Authors: Ann Noblesse, Robert Boute, Marc Lambrecht
Pages: 351 - 360