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Maarten Piot
- Disciplines:Software engineering, Human-computer interaction, Human-centred design
- Quantitative Psychology and Individual Differences (Research group)
From1 Oct 2020 → Today
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- Improving the user experience of blended care tools in clinical practiceFrom1 Oct 2020 → TodayFunding: Own budget, for example: patrimony, inscription fees, gifts
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- Real-time incentivizing survey completion with game-based rewards in experience sampling research may increase data quantity, but reduces data quality(2024)
Authors: Egon Dejonckheere, Maarten Piot, Merijn Mestdagh
- m-Path: An easy-to-use and highly tailorable platform for ecological momentary assessment and intervention in behavioral research and clinical practice(2023)
Authors: Merijn Mestdagh, Stijn Verdonck, Maarten Piot, Koen Niemeijer, Francis Tuerlinckx, Peter Kuppens, Egon Dejonckheere
Pages: 1 - 11 - Usability of the Experience Sampling Method in Specialized Mental Health Care: Pilot Evaluation Study(2023)
Authors: Jeroen Weermeijer, Martien Wampers, Rafaël Bonnier, Maarten Piot, Peter Kuppens, Inez Germeys, Glenn Kiekens
Pages: 1 - 14 - Assessing the reliability of single-item momentary affective measurements in experience sampling(2022)
Authors: Egon Dejonckheere, Febe Demeyer, Maarten Piot, Francis Tuerlinckx, Stijn Verdonck, Merijn Mestdagh
Pages: 1138 - 1154 - Practitioner and researcher perspectives on the utility of ecological momentary assessment in mental health care: A survey study(2022)
Authors: Maarten Piot, Merijn Mestdagh, Jeroen Weermeijer, Peter Kuppens, Egon Dejonckheere