Lies Christine Missotten
- Disciplines:Biological and physiological psychology, General psychology, Other psychology and cognitive sciences
- School Psychology and Development in Context (Research unit)
From1 Oct 2009 → 14 Aug 2017
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- Residential child psychiatric care for young refugees (ResCareRefugees).From1 Jan 2018 → 30 Jun 2022Funding: Other federal public and semi-governmental institutions
- How do adolescents manage conflicts with their mothers? A developmental and micro-contextual perspectiveFrom1 Oct 2010 → 27 Sep 2017Funding: Own budget, for example: patrimony, inscription fees, gifts
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- A contextualized perspective on research participation in collaborative refugee research: A multi-site exploration of relational dynamics in collaborative research(2022)
Authors: Sofie de Smet, Ruth Kevers, Caroline Spaas, Lies Christine Missotten, Lucia De Haene
Pages: 1 - 13 - Working with the encounter: A descriptive account and case analysis of school-based collaborative mental health care for refugee children in Leuven, Belgium(2022)
Authors: Caroline Spaas, Sofie de Smet, Ruth Kevers, Lies Christine Missotten, Lucia De Haene
Pages: 1 - 17 - Parental Illness Intrusiveness and Youth Glycaemic Control in Type 1 Diabetes: Intergenerational Associations and Processes(2019)
Authors: Sofie Prikken, Leen Oris, Jessica Rassart, Lies Christine Missotten, Philip Moons, Koen Luyckx
Pages: 438 - 455 - Parental Illness Intrusiveness and Youth Glycaemic Control in Type 1 Diabetes: Intergenerational Associations and Processes(2019)
Authors: Sofie Prikken, Leen Oris, Jessica Rassart, Lies Christine Missotten, Ilse Weets, Philip Moons, Liesbet Goubert, Koen Luyckx
Pages: 438 - 455 - Empathy, Depressive Symptoms, and Self-Esteem in Adolescence: The Moderating Role of the Mother-Adolescent Relationship(2018)
Authors: Lies Christine Missotten, Koen Luyckx
Pages: 3964 - 3974 - Adolescents' and mothers' conflict management constellations: Links with individual and relational functioning(2017)
Authors: Lies Christine Missotten, Koen Luyckx, Janne Vanhalst, Stefanie A Nelemans, Susan Branje
Pages: 837 - 857 - Examining the longitudinal relations among adolescents' conflict management with parents and conflict frequency(2017)
Authors: Lies Christine Missotten, Koen Luyckx
Pages: 37 - 41 - Adolescents' conflict management styles with mothers: Longitudinal associations with parenting and reactance(2017)
Authors: Lies Christine Missotten, Koen Luyckx
Pages: 260 - 274 - Adolescents' conflict resolution styles toward mothers: The role of parenting and personality(2016)
Authors: Lies Christine Missotten, Koen Luyckx, Karla Van Leeuwen
Pages: 2480 - 2497 - Parent-adolescent conflict, treatment adherence, and glycemic control in type 1 diabetes: The importance of adolescent externalizing symptoms(2013)
Authors: Koen Luyckx, Lies Christine Missotten, Jessica Rassart, Kristina Casteels, Eveline Goethals
Pages: 1082 - 1097