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Jasmina Rosič
- Disciplines:Communication sciences not elsewhere classified, Digital media, Media and communication theory
- Media Psychology Lab (Research group)
From2 Nov 2020 → Today
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- Growing up in a digital world: Understanding the perceived experiences of digital media use among (disadvantaged) adolescentsFrom26 Oct 2020 → 26 Oct 2024Funding: Own budget, for example: patrimony, inscription fees, gifts
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- Trajectories of digital flourishing in adolescence: The predictive roles of developmental changes and digital divide factors(2024)
Authors: Jasmina Rosič, Lara Schreurs, Laura Vandenbosch
Pages: 1586 - 1602 - Blaginja otrok v slovenskih statističnih regijah: kako jo meriti in uporabiti rezultate(2024)
Authors: Jasmina Rosič
Pages: 169 - 178 - Measuring digital well-being in everyday life among Slovenian adolescents: The Perceived Digital Well-Being in Adolescence Scale(2024)
Authors: Jasmina Rosič, Luca Carbone, Laura Vandenbosch
Pages: 99 - 119 - Positive digital communication among youth: The development and validation of the digital flourishing scale for adolescents(2022)
Authors: Jasmina Rosič, Luca Carbone, Laura Vandenbosch
- Care for those who care: studying the quality of life of informal carers(2022)
Authors: Jasmina Rosič
Pages: 211 - 226 - Socialna aktivacija v Sloveniji : potrebe, izkušnje in izzivi(2021)
Authors: Jasmina Rosič
Number of pages: 206 - Who calls the shots? The insiders and outsiders of (un)just participation in Slovenian elementary schools(2020)
Authors: Jasmina Rosič
Pages: 81 - 106