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Ines Keygnaert

  • Keywords:holistic care, sexual violene, human rights, global health, child abuse, health promotion, intimate partner violence, elder abuse, sexual and reproductive health, domestic violence, harmful traditional practices
  • Disciplines:Other medical and health sciences not elsewhere classified, Public health sciences not elsewhere classified, Social medical sciences not elsewhere classified, Human rights and justice issues, Care ethics, Ethics of family, relationships and sexuality, Health promotion and policy, Sociology of health, Generations and intergenerational relations, Sociology of deviance, General diagnostics, Family planning, Psychotherapy, Behavioural sciences, Comparative study of religion, Crime policy, Migration, Sociology of development, Medical anthropology, Linguistic anthropology, Communications and media policy, Ethnicity and migration studies, Urban sociology and community studies, Sexual anthropology, Social and cultural anthropology not elsewhere classified, Gynaecology and obstetrics not elsewhere classified, Health and community services