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Hugues Sana
- Disciplines:Astronomy and space sciences
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- Mercator telescope. (Consortium coordinator)
- The Mercator Telescope in the Era of the ESA Gaia and NASA TESS space missions.
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- Revolutionizing spectral synthesis: From isolated massive stars to unresolved stellar populations in the Early UniverseFrom1 Oct 2024 → TodayFunding: FWO junior postdoctoral fellowship
- Optical and optomechanical design of CubeSpec - design of high-resolution spectrograph MARVELFrom1 Oct 2024 → TodayFunding: Own budget, for example: patrimony, inscription fees, gifts
- The temporal evolution of the multiplicity properties as massive stars age and interactFrom16 Sep 2024 → TodayFunding: Own budget, for example: patrimony, inscription fees, gifts
- Scientific exploitation of the KU Leuven Mercator telescope: addressing major shortcomings in our understanding of stellar structure and evolution of single and binary starsFrom1 Jan 2024 → TodayFunding: FWO research project (including WEAVE projects)
- SOUL: Stellar evOlution in fUll gLory: rotation, magnetism, oscillations, outflows, tides, and binarityFrom1 Jan 2024 → TodayFunding: BOF - Methusalem
- BRAVE: Binary star physics in the era of electRomagnetic and grAvitational waVe sciEnceFrom1 Oct 2023 → TodayFunding: Fund Recuperation Fiscal Exemption
- Time-domain spectroscopy of massive stars with the CubeSpec space mission.From4 Sep 2023 → TodayFunding: Own budget, for example: patrimony, inscription fees, gifts
- The Multiplicity of Evolved Massive StarsFrom23 Aug 2023 → TodayFunding: Own budget, for example: patrimony, inscription fees, gifts
- Cubespec Mission AnalysisFrom21 Aug 2023 → TodayFunding: Own budget, for example: patrimony, inscription fees, gifts
- Essential Technologies for the Einstein TelescopeFrom1 Jan 2023 → TodayFunding: FWO International research infrastructure (IRI)
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- Binarity at LOw Metallicity (BLOeM) A spectroscopic VLT monitoring survey of massive stars in the SMC(2024)
Authors: Hugues Sana, Dominic Bowman, Alex de Koter, Kunal Prashant Deshmukh, Cole Campbell Johnston, Daniel Pauli, Reinhold Willcox
- The spectroscopic binary fraction of the young stellar cluster M17(2024)
Authors: Alex de Koter, Hugues Sana
- Empirical mass-loss rates and clumping properties of O-type stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud(2024)
Authors: Hugues Sana, Jon Sundqvist, Leen Decin, Alex de Koter
- Two waves of massive stars running away from the young cluster R136(2024)
Authors: Alex de Koter, Hugues Sana, Gijs Nelemans
- An absence of binary companions to Wolf-Rayet stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud Implications for mass loss and black hole masses at low metallicities(2024)
Authors: Hugues Sana
- Rotational synchronisation of B-type binaries in 30 Doradus(2024)
Authors: Hugues Sana
- X-Shooting ULLYSES: Massive stars at low metallicity(2024)
Authors: Hugues Sana, Leen Decin, Alex de Koter, Daniel Pauli, Jon Sundqvist, Olivier Verhamme
- X-Shooting ULLYSES: Massive stars at low metallicity III. Terminal wind speeds of ULLYSES massive stars(2024)
Authors: Hugues Sana, Jon Sundqvist, Alex de Koter, Leen Decin, Daniel Pauli
- Detailed structure and evolution modeling of the tightest massive binary stars(2024)
Authors: Matthias Fabry, Hugues Sana
- A magnetic massive star has experienced a stellar merger(2024)
Authors: Hugues Sana, Dominic Bowman, Matthias Fabry
Pages: 214 - 217