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Eugeen Roegiest
- Disciplines:Italian language, Portuguese language, French language, Linguistic typology, Syntax, Spanish language
- Department of Linguistics (Department)
From1 Jan 2011 → Today - Department of Language and communication (Department)
From1 May 2006 → 31 Dec 2010 - Department of Language and communication (Department)
From1 May 2006 → 31 Dec 2010 - Department of Language and communication (Department)
From1 Apr 2002 → 31 Dec 2010 - Department of Romance languages (other than French) (Department)
From1 Jan 1993 → 31 Mar 2002
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- Forms of address in Chilean Spanish: diastratic and diatopic variation and pregmatic useFrom1 Oct 2011 → 30 Sep 2016Funding: BOF - Doctoral projects
- Subject and infinitive in Portuguese and SpanishFrom1 Oct 2008 → 30 Sep 2012Funding: BOF - Other initiatives, FWO fellowships
- Subject and infinitive in Portuguese and SpanishFrom10 Nov 2007 → 1 Oct 2008Funding: BOF - Doctoral projects
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- Panorama de los corpus y textos del portugués europeo contemporáneo(2015)
Authors: Clara Vanderschueren, Amália Mendes, Maria Iliescu, Eugeen Roegiest
Pages: 58 - 80 - Panorama de los corpus y textos del español peninsular contemporáneo.(2015)Series: Manuals of Romance Linguistics
Authors: Renata Enghels, Clara Vanderschueren, Miriam Bouzouita, Maria Iliescu, Eugeen Roegiest
Pages: 147 - 170 - Corpora e testi di italiano contemporaneo(2015)Series: Manuals of Romance Linguistics
Authors: Claudia Crocco, Maria Iliescu, Eugeen Roegiest
Pages: 509 - 534 - Contrasting the syntax and semantics of negative causation: the apparent similarity of Spanish and Portuguese(2014)
Authors: Renata Enghels, Eugeen Roegiest
Pages: 278 - 306 - Dejar: entre verbo causativo y verbo de control(2013)
Authors: Renata Enghels, Eugeen Roegiest
Pages: 505 - 522 - Infinitivo y sujeto en portugués y español: un estudio empírico de los infinitivos adverbiales con sujeto explícito(2012)
Authors: Clara Vanderschueren, Eugeen Roegiest, Renata Enghels
- L'expressión syntaxique de la causation négative avec laisser, dejar, deixar: trois systèmes romans différents(2012)
Authors: Renata Enghels, Eugeen Roegiest, Marleen Van Peteghem, Peter Lauwers, Els Tobback, Annemie Demol, Laurence De Wilde
Pages: 167 - 187 - Los locativos en la valencia de la construcción existencial española: ¿actante o circunstante?(2012)
Authors: Machteld Meulleman, Eugeen Roegiest
Pages: 57 - 70 - La causación negativa y el argumento causado: la sintaxis de dejar y laisser en contraste(2012)Volume: 2
Authors: Renata Enghels, Eugeen Roegiest, Cesáreo Calvo Rigual
Pages: 159 - 170 - Voir passer et laisser passer: la syntaxe de la perception visuelle et de la causation négative en contraste(2012)
Authors: Renata Enghels, Eugeen Roegiest
Pages: 251 - 274