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Elke Leuridan
- Research Expertise:During the past 10 years, we developed specific skills in conducting clinical trrials with vaccines in pregnant women. This is a vulnerable population, often excluded from trials. Therefore, we have built specific expertise in both the conduct of this kind of studies (recruitment, follow up...) as well as safety aspects of vaccine use in pregnancy, and acceptance of the strategy by the population. This results in specific skills regarding design, conduct and conclusions drawn from clinical trials in a specific population (both for public health and individual care). We have built a worldwide network for collaboration on all aspects of the strategy of vaccinating during pregnancy.
- Disciplines:Immunology, Vaccinology, Public health care, Public health sciences, Public health services
- Research techniques:Our research team has experience in both statistical analysis of large databases, as well as laboratory experience in analysing breast milk sampes (Elisa), humoral responses (Elisa) and T cell responses (FASCIA technique). In addition, we have experience with policy- sustaining studies.
- Users of research expertise:Potential collaborators in research on maternal immunisation are pediatricians, gynecologists, midwives, and general practitioners. Epidemiologists and policy makers can also benefit from the expertise we have built on this specific topic. In addition, the unique expertise on conducting clinical trials with a vulnerable population, can be of use for future collaborations.