- Accepting immigrants as fellow citizens: citizenship representations in relation to migration policy preferences(2015)
Authors: Arjan Reijerse, Norbert Vanbeselaere
Pages: 700 - 717
- Beyond the ethnic-civic dichotomy: Cultural citizenship as a new way of excluding immigrants(2013)
Authors: Arjan Reijerse, Kaat Van Acker, Norbert Vanbeselaere, Karen Phalet, Bart Duriez
Pages: 611 - 630
- Which national group will I identify myself with? The role of preferred and perceived identity representations(2013)
Authors: Arjan Reijerse, Koen Luyckx, Norbert Vanbeselaere
Pages: 456 - 474
- Beyond the ethnic-civic dichotomy: Cultural citizenship as a new way of excluding immigrants(2012)
Authors: Arjan Reijerse, Kaat Van Acker, Norbert Vanbeselaere, Karen Phalet, Bart Duriez
Pages: 611 - 630