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Protecting bycaught species in mixed fisheries (PROBYFISH).

Book - Report

PROBYFISH developed a modelling framework and a support tool to assess whether proposals for regionalised management measures are in accordance with the objectives of the CFP. The project developed robust methods to define target and bycatch species and to divide the bycatch species into valuable bycatch species, that are generally retained on board and landed, and collateral bycatch species, that are generally discarded. The classification of a species depends on the fleet and area in which the fleet operates. The project also identified species sensitivity to bottom fishing and proceeded to include examples of these in mixed fisheries models. After the development and parameterization of stock assessments, reference points and mixed fisheries management strategy evaluation models for a variety of stocks, the project identified the species for which TAC management of target species would be sufficient and proceeded to identify measures that will lead to the sustainable development of the bycatch stocks and agreed reference levels to safeguard stocks. The measures included various combinations of single species or combined species TACs on target and valuable bycatch species, gear modifications and spatial management under different implementations of the landing obligation. In general, enforcing the landing obligation would safe guard the stocks, whereas continuing with the current implementation will not allow rebuilding of cod stocks. However, enforcing the landing obligation for chokes species such as cod would lead to prolonged closures of most demersal fisheries with associated socio-economic impacts. The results of all activities were combined in user-friendly and flexible interface tools. Interactive tools are provided to allow further exploration of the results.
Number of pages: 41
Publication year:2021