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Proposed Strategic Research Agenda for the Environment Policy Area 2024-2029

Book - Report

The Strategic Research Agenda for the Environment Policy Domain includes a framework for future cross-entity research within the broad policy domain "Environment" focused on the 2024-2029 reign. This brochure provides an overview of the various components that make up a strategic research agenda. This document came about on the basis of an intensive process within the Research Coordinators Working Group of the Environment Policy Domain during the period 2020-2023. Four chapters structure the document. The first chapter forms an introduction where the authors indicate how they proceeded and the shared conceptual framework used. A "Comparative study of the scientific support, monitoring and policy evaluation of environmental policy in Flanders and surrounding regions/countries" (Bongers et al, 2022) was also conducted. The conclusions of this study are relevant to include in the Strategic Research Agenda for the Policy Domain. The second chapter describes eighteen policy challenges for environment research and three methodological-operational-level research challenges that drive Environment Policy Area research. A third chapter describes how the eighteen policy challenges are bundled into five integrated strategic clusters. Linked to those five clusters were research themes and questions where future cross-entity research is appropriate, precisely from that integrated approach. In the fourth and final chapter, we discuss how to proceed.

Number of pages: 34
Publication year:2024
Keywords:omgeving, onderzoek, strategie, ruimte, milieu, uitdagingen