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Prevalence and trajectories of neuropsychological post-COVID-19 symptoms in initially hospitalized patients

Journal Contribution - Journal Article

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the prevalence and trajectories of post-COVID-19 neuropsychological symptoms.

DESIGN: Prospective longitudinal multicentre cohort study.

SUBJECTS: A total of 205 patients initially hospitalized with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19).

METHODS: Validated questionnaires were administered at 9 months (T1) and 15 months (T2) post-hospital discharge to assess fatigue, cognitive complaints, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress symptoms.

RESULTS: Analyses included 184 out of 205 patients. Approximately 50% experienced high cognitive complaints at T1 and T2, while severe fatigue affected 52.5% at T1 and 55.6% at T2. Clinically relevant insomnia scores were observed in 25% of patients at both time-points. Clinically relevant anxiety scores were present in 18.3% at T1 and 16.7% at T2, depression in 15.0% at T1 and 18.9% at T2, and PTSD in 12.4% at T1 and 11.8% at T2. Most symptoms remained stable, with 59.2% of patients experiencing at least 1 persistent symptom. In addition, 31.5% of patients developed delayed-onset symptoms.

CONCLUSION: Post-COVID-19 cognitive complaints and fatigue are highly prevalent and often persist. A subgroup develops delayed symptoms. Emotional distress is limited. Screening can help identify most patients experiencing long-term problems. Future research should determine risk factors for persistent and delayed onset symptoms.

Journal: J Rehabil Med
ISSN: 1650-1977
Volume: 56
Publication year:2024
Keywords:Humans, Prevalence, COVID-19/epidemiology, Cohort Studies, Prospective Studies, SARS-CoV-2, Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders, Fatigue/epidemiology, Paramedicine