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Microglial migration and adhesion molecules during embryonic brain development

Book - Dissertation

Subtitle:Migratie van microglia en adhesiemoleculen tijdens embryonale hersenontwikkeling
Microglia are blood-borne cells but take up residence in the central nervous system (CNS) during embryonic development to constitute the resident pool of immune cells. They are crucial mediators of the healthy development and maintenance of neural networks in the CNS. Many aspects of the physiology of microglia and the mechanisms underpinning their tasks during embryonic brain development are still unresolved. This doctoral dissertation focuses on migration of microglial cells during embryonic cortical development. All together, this dissertation brings forward three major conclusions. (1) In situ embryonic microglia are highly dynamic cells that adapt their phenotype to their local environment. (2) Microglial migration speed ex vivo is dependent on β1 integrins that exert both migration promoting and inhibiting functions which are age-specifically regulated. (3) Microglia likely play a role in the etiology of neurodevelopmental disorders, but further research should focus on microglia dysfunction rather than classical microglial immune activation.
Number of pages: 302
Publication year:2017
Keywords:extracellular matrix, integrins, maternal inflammation, mouse, macrophages, cellular migration