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Grammaticalization across Romance languages and the pace of language change: the position of Catalan

Journal Contribution - Journal Article

© John Benjamins Publishing Company. In several works on grammaticalization, one of the authors of this paper has established a grammaticalization cline which posits three major Romance languages: French at one extreme, Spanish at the other, and Italian in between (Lamiroy, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2011, Lamiroy & De Mulder, 2011, De Mulder & Lamiroy, 2012, Van de Velde & Lamiroy, 2017). Our purpose is to place Catalan on this cline. To achieve our goal, we use data of Catalan related to several topics, viz. auxiliaries, past tense, existential sentences, mood and demonstratives. Catalan shows contradictory evidence: whereas the grammaticalization process in certain domains suggests that it parallels Spanish and Italian, in many others, it patterns with French. Thus the hypothesis for which we provide evidence here is the following cline: French > Catalan > Italian > Spanish.
Journal: Linguisticae Investigationes
ISSN: 0378-4169
Issue: 2
Volume: 40
Pages: 304 - 331
Publication year:2017