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Enhancing Metal Separations by Liquid-Liquid Extraction Using Polar Solvents

Journal Contribution - Journal Article

The less polar phase of liquid-liquid extraction systems has been studied extensively for improving metal separations; however, the role of the more polar phase has been overlooked for far too long. Herein, we investigate the extraction of metals from a variety of polar solvents and demonstrate that, the influence of polar solvents on metal extraction is so significant that extraction of many metals can be largely tuned, and the metal separations can be significantly enhanced by selecting suitable polar solvents. Furthermore, a mechanism on how the polar solvents affect metal extraction is proposed based on comprehensive characterizations. The method of using suitable polar solvents in liquid-liquid extraction paves a new and versatile way to enhance metal separations.
Journal: Chemistry - a European Journal
ISSN: 0947-6539
Issue: 39
Volume: 25
Pages: 9197 - 9201
Publication year:2019
BOF-publication weight:1
CSS-citation score:2
Authors from:Higher Education