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Crystal structures of Scone: pseudosymmetric folding of a symmetric designer protein

Journal Contribution - Journal Article

Recent years have seen an increase in the development of computational proteins, including symmetric ones. A ninefold-symmetric β-propeller protein named Cake has recently been developed. Here, attempts were made to further engineer this protein into a threefold-symmetric nine-bladed propeller using computational design. Two nine-bladed propeller proteins were designed, named Scone-E and Scone-R. Crystallography, however, revealed the structure of both designs to adopt an eightfold conformation with distorted termini, leading to a pseudo-symmetric protein. One of the proteins could only be crystallized upon the addition of a polyoxometalate, highlighting the usefulness of these molecules as crystallization additives.
Journal: Acta Crystallographica D
ISSN: 2059-7983
Issue: Pt 7
Volume: 77
Pages: 933 - 942
Publication year:2021
BOF-publication weight:3
CSS-citation score:2
Authors from:Higher Education