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Compound specific δ13 determination of urinary steroid metabolites by GC-C-IRMS for human doping control: Preliminary GC-C-IRMS results from a Belgian control population and testosterone administration studies

Book Contribution - Book Abstract Conference Contribution

Recently, the World Anti-doping Agency accredited Doping Control Laboratory of Belgium (DoCoLab) was obliged to implement a method for the compound-specific isotopic analysis (CSIA) of urinary steroid metabolites. GC-C-IRMS determination of 13C values is used for the confirmation of the administration of endogenous anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) such as testosterone by athletes. This presentation will outline the development and validation of the method which utilizes a Thermo MAT253 GC-C-IRMS equipped with GCIsolink and ConFloIV for analysis. Preliminary results from a Belgian control population of 50 blank urines samples will be discussed. Furthermore, the effectiveness of recent advances in steroid profiling for the identification of suspicious samples as proposed by our laboratory, will be tested by the application of GC-C-IRMS to samples originating from testosterone administration studies.
Book: Benelux Association of Stable Isotope Scientist (BASIS - 2011), Abstracts
Pages: 29 - 29
Publication year:2011